Full-scale fighting or not, Israel still imposes severe limitations on Palestinian radio bands, and has destroyed most telecommunications during its incursions. This means Gaza is still in need of eSims
Clean water, food, and medicine to those who are suffering at the hands of genocide: Palestine Children's Relief Fund.

Who are you?

The Revolutionary Technical Collective is a discussion and publishing group, mostly focused around the creation of utilities, website maintenance, and exploratory work. We strive towards a reaffirmation of communism’s main organizational task, both within the movement and society: the abolition of the professionalized division of labor.

In our case, we work on tearing down the walls between our movement and science. We do this not via affirming communism itself as an “immortal science”, but by overcoming the notion of separateness, positing that the form which knowledge takes in the future society is the superposition of all that is, itself, known. Our political work centers around abolishing the division between that which is determinately apolitical and the most intense partisan politics.

But like, what do you believe in?

Many would say we are “left communists”, or “ultra-leftists”, but our positions can be more accurately characterized as an “antiformal communism”. We do not take stereotypical stances based upon oversimplified child-like understandings of the world, where the systems that govern capital are reduced to a flowchart of contradictions that ultimately serve as an excuse to stand by this or that option. Neither do we capitulate to the logic of capital, seeking its growth and a “path to governance.” Instead, we reaffirm the communist line as the complex result born from rejection of easy truths that already exist, as Marx said, “the real movement to abolish the present state of things.”

As such, we also represent a sort of cybernetics in its rawest form. That is, the replacement of an imagined separation with a real notion of self-sustaining complexity. We don’t seek to understand a “social system” or a “logical system”, a “physical system” or a “chemical system”, but a system.

That’s cool, but do you have a minimum program?

Our immediate goals are:

  1. Utilizing technical-scientific knowledge to the benefit of the communist movement.
  2. Mounting an expressive section of communists with technical inclinations.
  3. Promoting technical literacy in the revolutionary sphere.

These are intentionally broad goals, meant to encourage all who are interested to embark at will on whatever venture may feed into the engine of political development. Today, we’re doing a little bit of everything. Helping our comrades maintain their websites, curating The Big List of Communism, running inquiries on the education system, and writing software are among those things.

There is no notion of formal membership, and one merely contributes to the RTC. Find out more in our “Contribute” page.

The Revolutionary Technical Collective is a correspondence and publishing group which utilizes technical knowledge to amplify communist agitation and propaganda.

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