Pamphlet: The UN's wish and purpose

Small pamphlet distributed in New York by the RTC

From the disastrous MINUSTAH “peace mission” in Haiti, where soldiers under the command of the UN constantly repressed any attempt at institutional change in the country as a means to keep United States diplomats comfortable, without having to worry about any working class movements showing up on their doorstep, to their failure to stop the conflict in Ukraine, the UN has shown itself for what it is: A tool to appease all imperialist powers, from NATO to the Russia-China bloc - an organization that either provides them with direct assistance, or stays out of their way.

NATO and the CSTO: United under the banner of imperialism

Despite differences in their rethoric, both NATO and the CSTO (Russia’s alliance) want the same thing: cheap access to the natural gas reserves situated in the east of Ukraine. While the invasion was formally started by Russia, a conflict has been brewing for years.

The western economic bloc, represented economically by the European Union, and militarily by NATO, broke its deal with Russia and rushed east, seeking total economic integration as quickly as possible - Russia, seeing that its neighbours were now open game, rushed to form its own economic and military alliances. This culminated in both sides seeking to destabilize Ukraine, promoting their own coups and armed groups, with the NATO bloc supporting the neo-nazi Svoboda and Azov groups, and Russia supporting the nationalist Donestsk and Luhansk “People’s” Republics.

Both sides, representing fractions of the bourgeoisie rather than the interests of the working class, ferociously engaged in nation-building efforts, as a way to present the conflict as a “clash of civilizations”, with every calamity being used to justify an even bigger one. They know that as long as people view themselves as being separated by races and nations instead of being separated by class, plenty of soldiers will be willing to serve their false causes.

The Revolutionary Technical Collective is a correspondence and publishing group which utilizes technical knowledge to amplify communist agitation and propaganda.

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